Too Blue
beginning of this Year has Been a DooZy.
hoping That I'm getting most of the negative done for 2013. First my
back has been taking me for a ride.
a good one. After some shots to the nerves in my spine I'm getting
some relief. That is a good thing. This all started around
Thanksgiving of last Year. 2012. Now we have moved into 2013. Just as
my back started to get better. We got a flu bug. I just finished that
up and then I got a cold. So I've been a bit Blue.
are starting to look up again. Yahoo! I've worked on two blue
projects. I think it is interesting that they were blue. I was not
thinking about that at the time. As I started to write. I thought,
should I title
blog today?
It occurred to me that the two projects just happened to be blue. So
it is.

first piece came about from a focal point of a glass blue swirl
pendant given to me by my neighbor. She thought I might be able to
think of something to do with it. So it was born of brass wire and
blue thread with different odds and ends of things I had lying
around. They consist of glass beads,an old glass button, two metal
buttons, some chain and leaves, and glass dangly beads. Come to think
of it, the chain was also given to me by the same neighbor, the
metal leaves were given to me also by a friend, and the glass dangle
beads from another friend. It is that many times, through the tough
times friends come to the rescue. This project is a bit disjointed
and busy, but the fact is, I had fun doing it. That is the important
thing. It helped me pull myself up. I think creation is a bit like
that. It helps you to look outward instead of inward. There are three
little glass beads hanging on some twirly threads that might remind
us of tears, but they also remind me of life and water. We are off
to a new year and a new start. Some of the old problems are still
here in the “back”ground, but we will deal with them as they
come, one day at a time. Also in the piece I used a small globe-like
bead that is studded with rhinestones. It kind of reminds me of a
party or a disco ball in that it is reflective. This is how we should
go about life, reflective and looking for the brightness we can bring
to the party. I hope you can see the bright spot of blue as in a
break in the clouds, and enjoy the journey ahead.
second project came about because I'm still trying to learn a lace
technique called Punchetto. So I'll just roll with the punches and
keep knotting along. Funny how things work together to make a new
start. I had some thread left over from the first project, I just
started knotting, and this is what resulted. A small little ring,
decorated with a faceted glass bead and a bit of warm rusty brown
thread in a feather stitch.
also been doing a bit of research online and came across another
technique called Teneriffe Lace. I was able to download a book of
that. Perhaps I'll show you some of that endeavor next time. My
husband helped me make a sort of loom to work on that yesterday and
put the book together in a small format so I can easily carry it with
me. I guess I will sign off for now. Hope you had some fun too. See
ya next time. Look for the blue spots in your sky. Enjoy the days
whatever they bring. If we didn't have the dark clouds sometimes, we
would not enjoy
bright blue sky when it peeks through at us. Take care.