Tortoise and The Hare
" The greatest things
ever done on the Earth have been done little by little"
William Jennings Bryan
time I have just been plodding along.
started several projects fast but hit a bit of a funk.
month of may was full to the brim with life-
altering events in the
lives of many people close to Us,
First, and taking up the most space
in my head and
heart , has been my sister. She had been struggling
to take in enough air, and thought she was just a
little sick, and
would wait it out. Well, she tried that
and things didn't get better,
so she called her
daughter and asked her to take her to the doctor
to get
the situation checked out well, it turns out that it was
heart, not her lungs as she had expected. One of
the valves was
failing. As always, the doctor did
many tests. They got second
opinions and decided to
operate and replace the valve. She went in
for surgery
and things went well. She is now at her daughter's
recovering. Life has taken a sharp turn for her. I
suspect it will
never be quite the same. It caused me
some reflection. She was living
in her own home and
raising her grandson herself. Because of the
downturn in the economy, she was not earning
enough to support
herself and her grandson, so she
was in the process of going back to
school in a new
direction. Then this new curve in the road came,
was put on hold, she has also lost many of her
freedoms. Her daughter
and her husband have taken
the reins so to speak. She is now going to
live in a
new little house on their property. Her grandson has
since graduated and moved on to new horizons . At
the moment, she
is in recovery mode. I guess time will
tell what is ahead.
caused me to think quite a bit. Life sure can take
turns that are not
the same month I had a friend lose her battle with
has now gone on to her new horizons. There were
some real shake ups
in her Family. First she died,
then her granddaughter lost her first
baby the same
day. To add to the mix, the granddaughter's father
killed himself the day after the funeral.
of My husbands nieces got married. Someone
else we know has been put
in jail.. My husband and I have celebrated our 33rd
anniversary. There where
many other things, but, I'm sure you get
the picture.
The projects I've been laboring on took a lot longer than
I had anticipated. I started them quickly like the
Hare, but
have been forced to take things at a slower
necklace I will first talk about hit a rock. I was
going along well
and added some triangular stones.
The first one went on just fine.
Then I tried to thread
the second one and found it had two holes
drilled in it
.Neither of them met in the middle. At first I thought
the hole was just too small, so I started to use a bead
reamer to
make the hole bigger. The only tool I had
was the wrong shape. It was
conical and not straight.
As I went along, the hole got larger at
the opening
and small in the middle. To get to the point, it did get
done, but it took two days by hand. I was just about to
give up, but
I kept going.
is a poem I found this morning that seems to fit.
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Author unknown
kept going and was able to finish, Although It took
way longer than I
wanted to spend.
The situation of
my sister's recovery is going way
slower than she
would like. I was pleased with the outcome of the
necklace. Hope someone else does too. This necklace
started with a
buckle, a friend of mine gave me. Her
belt that had worn out. The
buckle could still be
useful, so she wanted to see what I could do
with it. I
looked at it It seemed to say,” take me apart and
make me two'. I glued a stone in the center and tied
various cords on the
part of the buckle , transforming
it into a pendant necklace. I
learned if I do not have
much else, I am creative and I do have
persistence. I
also started a bag and had to set it aside for awhile.
think it will be finished for the next blog. The
interesting thing
about it is I did not like it. So I let it
sit for awhile and then
went back to it yesterday and
it did not look so bad. Sometimes we
just need to
stand back in life and take a breath. Get a new
point and then just go on.
also made a little necklace that was sort of fun. It
was made of a
lone earring and some other pieces
from a grab bag. It also had a
bead I could not get
ontothe string so I endeavored to make the hole
on it and it broke. So I had to take it apart and
rethink it a
bit. Then when I finished it, It insisted on
twisting and not laying
flat as I wanted it to do. So I
had to make some modifications and I
think I
finallygot it. It just required a bit of fiddling . I
learned twists and turns in a cord and knots can

life is going on, and I
hope you too will keep
going on to find the
best end you
can. I hope to see
you next time.
life as it comes and keep
going. You never quite
know what new
horizons are
ahead. It's all part of the
dance. It's Okay to stop
and take some time to get
refreshed and relax, take a drink and
realize we are
not done yet, just on detour. We will get there, just
maybe not the way we planned. We are not always in
charge as most
of us would like. If we were,
we learn as much? I think not. So step back
and look around there is
a way through.
I am so sorry to hear about Dawn. I hope she has a good recovery and can get back to the things she loves most. So glad to hear Janet is taking care of her for now. We too, are going through some very rough stuff and will be moving back to Vancouver, WA on August 27th. Long story. Als Mom is in the final stages of Alzheimers so that has been quite a challenge for Al. LeRoy and Emily and the rest of his family are all doing well. Love you Rene!
ReplyDeleteDoti, So glad to hear from you. I was wanting to get a hold of you. It would be great to see you. We will be up in the area. (Vancouver from sometime after the 15 to the 29 of August.) I know you will be busy with moving and all but maybe we can work something out. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. Love, Rene'