I found some new thread so these are made with it. The first thread I found was in a grab bag at the thrift store, tangled up in some round looms. I had to untangle them. They were also attached to a ring that was some sort of hanging thing. I'm still not sure what it was for, but it had some nice colors.

The next thread I found was in a Latin store down the street from us. They have a large selection of colors and it is inexpensive. Nice.
First I made a bracelet out of a beautiful minty colored thread.
This thread is a sort of stretchy. I think it is rayon and I was not sure if it could be used because sometimes knots do not hold. It worked up pretty nice and is soft and comfortable to wear.

Pictured on the left is a necklace made with a red jade stone and a large ceramic bead. I made this for my sister in-law's birthday. She likes dragonflies, as do I. It is made adjustable by pulling the two cream colored beads to the desired length. The body and wings are made with Chinese knots, needle lace and macrame.
I made these little necklaces and bookmark to remind me and others of a talk given in a recent women's conference. Called "Forget Me Not" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
He tells of an old German legend "that just as God had finished naming all the plants, one was left unnamed. A tiny voice spoke out, "Forget me not, O Lord!" And God replied "this would be it's name."
Elder Uchdorf continued " There is something inspiring and sublime about the little forget-me-not flower.I hope it will be a symbol of the little things that make your lives joyful and sweet. Please never forget that you must be patient and compassionate with yourselves, that some sacrifices are better than others, that you need not wait for the golden ticket to be happy.Please never forget the why"... This is a good reminder to have a better prospective on life and "enjoy the journey". If you want to read the whole message this link will take you to it.
I need this reminder often. I can forget to be patient with myself and find joy in what I am doing. We can all benefit from noticing the small and beautiful things that are in our live's every day.

This is a tatted bookmark I made for a friend who sent me a beautiful old bonnet. She was downsizing and she remembered that a mutual friend of ours said that I liked that sort of thing. I wish this little bonnet could tell us more about
itself and it's creator. I've been looking for a suitable frame to preserve it. Also in the picture is a piece of lace from our mutual friend I was talking about.

The necklace on the left is made with glass seed beads and a small wooden bead as a swing, with the same heavy cord as the other necklace.
Well, things do not always come out as well as I can imagine. I think I need to remember that to achieve what I can imagine. It will require exercise. Just like learning any other skill, it takes practice. So some of what I share is just the baby steps I'm working on. I hope you can enjoy the journey as I am learning. Until next time, keep working and learning, and someday we will reach what we are working for.
Always such creative things!