Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened

A funny thing happened. I redid a necklace  because the thread was wearing out, and when I finished, I realized that there was someone looking back at me.The face that emerged is like some sort of ethnic mask.  He seems surprised or just whistling a tune.  This necklace has one of my favorite stone donuts in it. I was told it is Zebra Jasper. 

 The two large buttons are vintage, from a large gallon jar of buttons my sister bought. I had fun going through it on one of my visits with her.

This is the before picture

This is the After Picture

     Repairing this necklace has tried my patience. I would string some more beads and weave them in and something else would break.  I would get one done and another strand would lose it's beads. So I gave in and took the whole thing apart and used heavy thread and realized that this would just get cut by the sharp edges on the beads. 
So I undid it again and restrung it onto some coated beading 
wire. I braided it and found I did not have enough strands, so I made  more. I re-braided it and found it was really stiff because of the wire. I also found that when I set all the ends together they were too big to fit under the findings,( the metal bits that hold the ends together) so I found some old  silver earrings, cut the posts off and glued them over the ends and backed it with dark felt. I got glue on the earrings and could not get it all off. This is why I do not want to go into the repair business. It all made me cry and feel crazy.   It took 3 to 4 days. So  finally, I called it quits and gave it to the friend that had asked me to repair it and said it was not my best work, but it was the best I could do.        

My next attempt was a necklace and  earring set I made for my sister-in-law's birthday. It was more fun. Made with amethyst chips, pale lavender teardrop shape glass beads, green cut glass beads,vintage crystals, and some purple cathedral beads.  Purple and green are her favorite colors.  Amethyst is the birthstone of her mom and Estel, her brother.

      In the picture to the left, is a magnetic bracelet I made for my husband's arthritis, to see if what they say is true. He has noticed some improvement in the joints in his hands since he has been wearing it.  The turtle is kind of a symbol for him. His homeroom teacher in High School called him "light'n' " because he moved so slowly. He also had a t-shirt that his mom gave him that had a picture of the tortoise and the hare. It said "I may be slow but I sure am good." 


      Next is a little bracelet and necklace for my great niece who is eight years old. This set is made with macrame' and sweet yellow flower beads which I talked about in my windfall post. Bright and cheerful, they are like Spring, which I hope is here.

      Last but not least, I learned how to do these sweet little flowers at the lacer's group I belong to . It was designed by Ramona, a member of our group. I added some needle tatting and cross stitched on the gingham check and  some new and vintage beads with a pin in back. I think I will add a Barrette too.  

                                                                     We had snow here last Friday. I hope this bright spot will brighten things up a bit.

    I also bought and planted in a couple of pots of Peruvian Daffodils. They look beautiful in the picture, but we shall see. I have not been able to get my orchids or amaryllis to bloom yet. Third time is the charm, right? 

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