Monday, June 27, 2011

I Saw a Tree

I saw a tree lose it's leaves
Merrily falling in it's brief dance to earth.
Down in a blaze of glory.

I thought I too have things falling away.
Ridding myself of clutter and work.
Have I enjoyed the brief dance?

Why must this be?
Losing part and clutter?

Soon down to the bare
What then?
Others will see what is really there.

Time of contemplation
Loss of care.
There is beauty in the bare.

Stand back and see the real tree.
Time to see and be seen.
Time to rest and reflect.

At first glance
You might think we are dead
Just shedding pain and clutter.

There is still life
though not as apparent.
Stillness and anticipation.

Soon the clothes
from Heaven will appear.
Fresh and clean.

Full of glory
fresh and clean
sometimes even a crown of glory can be seen.

Water from heaven gives us this crown
now I see why the cold,
Helps us to hold this crown.

Then after this season of rest
This too will melt away
Only to bring new life.

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