Knot So Fast...
"No great thing is created suddenly. There must be time. Give your best and always be kind."
at first you don't succeed tie, tie again ... I started this project
with a pattern in mind. I was using a
needlepoint pattern with an all-over design. I tried to adapt
it to knotting. The knot I was using covered two rows vertically and
horizontally so I knew it would not be exact. I
carefully counted the threads to match the pattern, but did not take
into account the increase of knots. So as I worked along the
pattern shifted, and by the time I got about halfway through the
pattern was off the space allotted.
I untied it and took off on my own. I still kept the beginning border that I had
started with. It became a sort of sampler, a work of practice and
trial. This project is for a
relative of mine who is getting married. It paralleled that
You start out with a
plan of how you think things should go, and it looks pretty easy and
straight forward. As you get going you find there is more than one
plan at work and a bit of a tug of war begins. I think it happens in
most relationships. Because you are trying to meld two lives,
together, each has a different view of how things are supposed to be.
Then you discover there are also forces from the past and the present
at work. After the initial shock wears off you pick up the
pieces and try to make something of it all.
As in life,
some things work together, others pull apart. In the end there
is a trail like the shimmering path of a snail.
Why do they leave a
path? Have you ever thought of that? That's a bit off track. Sorry. I
have a wondering mind. I guess it shows in this piece. I hated this
and loved it too. Much the same as life sometimes. I learned that I
need to be kind to myself and remember that each endeavor teaches me
a better way and some new ways of doing things. Learning is
never a waste. It helps with the future.
also made a simple necklace with four extraordinary stones. I wanted
them to have center stage so I kept it simple.
on we go, learning what is possible and what is not.
See you again I hope.