Ebb and Flow, Old and New.....
I found a little project that I started it so long ago that I can't remember when I started it. I think it was a few generations back.
I know I started it for the birth of someone. I just can't remember now. Excuse
the senior moment. This is a smallish stuffed toy that has two different sides. One side is a dog and then when you turn it over, it is a bunny. I have lost the bunny side so I had to improvise. Brad drew me another bunny. I looked for the pattern but could not even find that. So we shall see how this will work. This time I'm intending to give it to a new addition to our family that is due next month. Fun little Topsy-turvey toy. Rather ingenious I think. It's nice to be able to finish such a long awaited project.
Then I found some ornaments at the thrift store and the end of the year. They were such a unusual color I brought them home with the intent of further embellishment. This is the first one in that endeavor. I plan to give it to someone for this coming up Christmas.
I tatted this one and embellished it with some cultured pearls that I bought at a sale I talked about in one of my first posts. I'm amazed at how well the colors match. This is the first tatted ornament I have ever done and without any pattern. So I am just learning.
I went to a class recently and the speaker was talking about writing lists. She said that it helped her to not get discouraged if she had two columns on her list with the two headings of 'To Do and Tah- Da'. So if she didn't get everything done planed for the day on her To Do side or the list she at least could focus on what she had done. At least she could say Tah- Da for what she had accomplished.
Yesterday I tried a new recipe for some bread. My husband and I are on a new diet to see if we can improve our health. We are in the first part of the diet and we are not supposed to eat any grains or gluten. So this recipe is suppose to be within the diet. It is made with
Ground up almonds, zucchini,
eggs, and baking soda and a handful of dates for a sweetener. Well I found I didn't have enough almonds the recipe said you could also substitute ground sun flower seeds. So I had some of those that I needed to use up so I ground those up and put them with the rest of the ingredients and put it all in the pan and into the oven to bake. Well I was greeted with a funny and strange surprise. It had turned green. I mean really green. I imagine it was some sort of chemical reaction going on but it was really funny. I suspect it might be the sunflower seeds reacting with the soda maybe but funny none the less. It's a nice forest green color not one you would expect with bread. It tastes okay but is not to appetizing to look at so we just close our eyes and eat. I thought I should document it because it is hard to believe. It went in the oven a nice creamy color and came out like this.
Unbelieveable Right! |
So Tah- Dah for this time hope to see you again.
Busy, Busy, Busy, Odds & Ends of the Year !
A clean slate a new year 2012 Has it really been 12 years since the turn of the century! Seems the older I get the faster time goes. Is that the same for the rest of you ? My husband and I have been busy with Santa's workshop and got the things in the mail. All but one arrived on time. So not too bad. Whew! nice to be done with that. Well one of our New Years resolutions is to have things done sooner so we can relax all through the holidays; be done and ready to ship off the first week in December or sooner. Good plan so let's see if we can do it. One step in that direction is I have some ideas for our cards for next year and I discovered two items to use in the card making one of them is envelopes I found in the after Christmas sales. Nice. The other item is remaing unanimous to add to the suspense.
I just did some playing around this time some things I like and others not so much.
First I will tell you about a rather primatave necklace. that came about because of a little clay face I made several years ago. An idea came to me, and I used the face as the focal point. the necklace part is studded with bamboo section beads. assorted yellow glass and wooden beads. I added some yellow sear like beads as a fringe. All this is tied together with nylon variegated yellow and brown cord.
I made what I thought was a wall hanging with yoyo's, and both my husband and his niece thought it needed to be a purse. I transformed it into that. It is a re-purpose job. Made with polished cotton yoyo's I made years ago. Also a piece of machine quilted piece that I think was some sort of travel case. The strap is from a tie jeans jumper, Old shirt buttons and a large vintage blue button. with a cream colored square of woven material. I will make someone a nice little bag.
I started a pair of mittens with some odds and ends of yarn I had in my stash. I have never made mittens before so we will see how that goes. I have misplaced my little loom that I made the cuff with. I don't understand how that sort of thing happens, but such is life sometimes. Some nice stripes appeared in the brown thread, I didn't know they where there because this yarn came in a grab bag from the local thrift store. I guess it was sock yarn. I love the warm, soft, earthy colors.
I also worked on a scarf pattern I found online that was supposed to be a weekend project. So I started it Saturday and was able to finish before the New Year rang in. I have never made a project with this fancy yarn before. I had three skeins of it and ended up with a little ball left.
The scarf ended up Six foot five inches not including the fringe which is nine inches long on both ends, so that adds another 18 inches. So it is longer than Brad. Wow! I wore it New Years, it is kind of fun. The yarn is a sort of mish-mash of different yarns and fibers. 40% nylon 32% wool 15% Laine and 13% Acrylic. Some of those things I don't even know what they are made of. It's soft though and kept me warm in the chill.
The necklace is made of assorted vintage chrystal, faceted glass beads green and light lavender with some purple-blue large holed glass beads as spacers. On the end is a vintage green glass foiled bead as a pendant.
Blue moon, blue chip, Tree of Life necklace, made with some blue stone chips and a shell moon. The trunk is made with blue art wire. and the ring and necklace is made with variegated blue ribbon.
Paper Play is what I call this one. Made up of large paper beads, heavy nylon cord. Accents are with a ceramic heart and a wooded bead and two stone circle disks.
Last of all is something I call Fire and Ice. Red nylon cord holds this one together. Vintage chrystal and red glass beads. On the pendant part is a large vintage glass bead. I also used silver spacer beads and large hole glass beads.
So this wraps up the last of the odds and ends of the year. Now I can start fresh and see what comes up. Enjoy the possibilities.